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Postby Slayr » 2010.09.10 (01:23)

I knew that but what I meant was how do I get the foreground image to only be in front of the the tiles or certain objects?
and while I'm at I might as well ask how to do the water mod like in this map

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Postby bufar » 2010.09.10 (11:38)

Make the parts of the image that you don't want to cover anything transparent.

As for the water, you need to make an area trigger where you want the water to be. You also need to give the ninja a custom path (that pushes upwards) and set it to the area trigger. I think I explained it earlier in the thread, but if I didn't (or if I did and it's confusing) please ask again.

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.09.15 (14:53)

bufar wrote:First, you need to put a locked or trap door switch under the exit switch. Then, add "^1," (sans quotes) to the door's code. This makes that switch activate start trigger 1. This next part might be a bit confusing so I'll break it down:

Code: Select all

6^normal drone code^drone-specific mods^trigger data
If you don't have any drone-specific mods, just leave that part blank. In the trigger data slot, put the following (again, without quotes): "1,1,". The first 1 tells it that the drone should wait for a start trigger to be activated. The second 1 tells it to activate when start trigger 1 was activated.

It's pretty simple but I feel like I made it more complex than it has to be. If you need any more explanations, please ask.
How can I make the drone stop when I press the switch? I tried changing 1,1, to 2,1, and 0,1, on the drone trigger code but it had no effect

Another question, how can I make a switch remove a drone(so it disappear)?

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Postby bufar » 2010.09.15 (16:12)

NPLUS wrote:
bufar wrote:First, you need to put a locked or trap door switch under the exit switch. Then, add "^1," (sans quotes) to the door's code. This makes that switch activate start trigger 1. This next part might be a bit confusing so I'll break it down:

Code: Select all

6^normal drone code^drone-specific mods^trigger data
If you don't have any drone-specific mods, just leave that part blank. In the trigger data slot, put the following (again, without quotes): "1,1,". The first 1 tells it that the drone should wait for a start trigger to be activated. The second 1 tells it to activate when start trigger 1 was activated.

It's pretty simple but I feel like I made it more complex than it has to be. If you need any more explanations, please ask.
How can I make the drone stop when I press the switch? I tried changing 1,1, to 2,1, and 0,1, on the drone trigger code but it had no effect

Another question, how can I make a switch remove a drone(so it disappear)?
The trigger data breaks down like this for the drone:

Code: Select all

wait for trigger,start triggers,stop triggers,special start triggers, special stop triggers
and like this for the door:

Code: Select all

start triggers, stop triggers, special start triggers, special stop triggers
If you put a number in the start triggers of the door and in the start triggers of the drone, the drone will start when the trigger is activated. The same is true of stop triggers. You can add multiple start and stop triggers to doors and drones by separating them with periods. You don't have to worry about special triggers for what you're trying to do.

Here are examples of drone and switch trigger data:
Drone: ^^1,7.6,5
Door 1: ^7
Door 2: ^,5
Door 3: ^6

This drone will not turn on until the switch for door 1 is activated. When the ninja hits the switch for door 2, the drone turns off. If he hits the switch for door 3, the drone will turn back on.

As for making a drone disappear, I don't think you can. I have two possible ways to do it, but both of them only work in certain circumstances:
If the drone doesn't move at all, you can use a trigger and a custom path to make it move off screen.
You could also use start/stop triggers and a tile drone to put tiles over where it stopped.

If either of those sound useful, or if you want more help with triggers, please ask.

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.09.15 (20:52)

Thanks , I am still little confused. I dont understand how to make a moving drone stop when a switch is activated(the drone should start move as soon as I start the stage, not with a switch)

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Postby 大見解 » 2010.09.16 (00:20)


so theres your basic drone code.

if you want to begin applying triggers, put the "^^" at the end.


then, since you want it to start moving at the beginning, add a 0 (it means, don't wait for any triggers to begin)


then, add whatever trigger number you want for starting and stopping the drone (in that order)

Thursday, March 5th, 2009, 9:22 PM - NReality Transcendence

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.09.17 (11:41)

bufar you previously told me how to make a drone stop using Custom Path(by putting a letter that is not U D L or R), is there anyway I can do this with coordinated movment?

(btw you two are the best!)

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Postby bufar » 2010.09.17 (14:37)

I don't think there's a simple way to do it. You could set an area trigger to make the drone stop where you want it, but I don't know if this is what you're trying to do.

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.09.17 (16:37)

damn, didnt think of that. Thanks
Would a area trigger that looks like this work as you described?:


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Postby bufar » 2010.09.17 (17:13)

Yes. I would have explained it but I wasn't sure that was what you were looking for.

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.10.19 (23:38)

new question, is it possible to not have tile at the end of the map?
There is a frame of tile around the map, how can make some of these empty?

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Postby 999_Springs » 2010.10.20 (13:53)

I think that removing the outside tile border used to be possible in old versions of N like v1.2. It made everything glitchy and stuff. For that reason, you can't do that anymore.

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Postby 大見解 » 2010.10.20 (21:32)

Yup. it's just not possible.

I've experimented around with tile drones too, and nothing seems to really work.
Thursday, March 5th, 2009, 9:22 PM - NReality Transcendence

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Postby Universezero » 2010.10.27 (02:19)

That's not true! I saw a level that used a tile drone to remove the outside border, I'm sure of it. I've tried looking for it, but to no avail. It definitely is possible though.

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Postby 大見解 » 2010.10.28 (10:28)

Universezero wrote:That's not true! I saw a level that used a tile drone to remove the outside border, I'm sure of it. I've tried looking for it, but to no avail. It definitely is possible though.
o-o Just tried it.... no working...
Thursday, March 5th, 2009, 9:22 PM - NReality Transcendence

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Postby Universezero » 2010.11.08 (03:35)

I'm not sure how they did it, but it's definitely on Numa somewhere.

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Postby 大見解 » 2010.11.09 (00:25)

Thursday, March 5th, 2009, 9:22 PM - NReality Transcendence

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Postby kyozo_43 » 2010.11.30 (06:48)

Hey, I need help ...

This is the map I am working on -

Code: Select all

I need those 3 oneways (in the second "section" of the map) to go from right to left (straight across the map) and then go back left to right after hitting the left wall ... ask me if you don't get me xD

Thanks if you could give me this help ;D

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Postby 大見解 » 2010.11.30 (11:33)

ooh, that's tricky. most likely, you'd have to layer 2 switches on top of eachother that both trigger a special on for the one ways.

i would go more in depth, but i have to go to school atm.
Thursday, March 5th, 2009, 9:22 PM - NReality Transcendence

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Postby kyozo_43 » 2010.11.30 (21:03)

大見解 wrote:ooh, that's tricky. most likely, you'd have to layer 2 switches on top of eachother that both trigger a special on for the one ways.

i would go more in depth, but i have to go to school atm.
ok ... but I did see this one map ... that the oneways went from left to right ... and then kind of did a snake-like pattern -


but I can't remember what map it was >_<

EDIT: if the oneway is too hard, how would i go about changing where those oneways are, and put drones (the erm ... ones that act like tiles but still move ... )

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Postby 大見解 » 2010.12.01 (03:02)

erm, that would also be fairly interesting, because you can't exactly make tile drones "appear". they would have to come out of a wall or soemthing.
Thursday, March 5th, 2009, 9:22 PM - NReality Transcendence

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Postby kyozo_43 » 2010.12.01 (04:16)

大見解 wrote:erm, that would also be fairly interesting, because you can't exactly make tile drones "appear". they would have to come out of a wall or soemthing.
haha, never mind, i actually meant a rocky drone ... and i have done it successfully now ... thanks ;D

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Postby geej15 » 2010.12.05 (17:19)

Mod: All i really want to do is have a background image. but every time i put it in, all my objects get deleted.

Mod properties: background image deleting objects?

Mod: rocket launcher image

Mod properties: is it possible to change the way the rocket itself looks? if so, how?

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Postby 大見解 » 2010.12.05 (23:36)

geej15 wrote:Mod: All i really want to do is have a background image. but every time i put it in, all my objects get deleted.

Mod properties: background image deleting objects?

Mod: rocket launcher image

Mod properties: is it possible to change the way the rocket itself looks? if so, how?
are you sure you aren't putting it in the foreground slot?

second, no such thing really.

third, ||||13,_icon,[half your image width]^[half your image height]^url

fourth, nope.
Thursday, March 5th, 2009, 9:22 PM - NReality Transcendence

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Postby geej15 » 2010.12.09 (04:20)

Is it possible to have 2 object image mods? I want a ninja one and a thwump on in the same map but for the life of me it wont work

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