Hidden folders on mac

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Postby //Zander » 2008.12.21 (11:05)

I found using terminal to make hidden folders viewable/unviewable too tedious so I made some automator programs to do it for me.
one to show and one to hide... they are thus named.

Warning!!! it will close all your finder windows.

they are easy to make, but save yourself the trouble and DL them here...


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Postby otters » 2009.01.29 (19:24)

I love you.

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Postby T3chno » 2009.01.29 (20:59)



Well, people on Macs should find it useful. So there's not a single option that allows all hidden files/folders to be revealed?

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Postby t̷s͢uk̕a͡t͜ư » 2009.01.29 (22:41)

...holy shit. Is that seriously what it takes to make a simple app like this? I was just curious to see your source, but I didn't expect that zip to contain so goddamned much metadata. Two directories, one with an overabundance of underscores, and both at least 8 directories deep.

I have a superior solution in your own goddamned OS (but that also works in mine), and it's only 20 bytes big.
Here it is:

Code: Select all

hide() { mv $1 .$1 }

The show command would obviously be the other way 'round.

Code: Select all

show() { mv .$1 $1 }
Put that shit in your ~/.${SHELL:t}rc and you're golden, asshole. You'll have bitches hanging off of you like Christmas ornaments begging you to show them how you hide and show your shit so efficiently.

Now go ahead and try it.

Code: Select all

$ touch foo
$ ls foo
$ hide foo
$ ls -a .foo
$ show foo
$ ls foo
Oh my fucking God, I just came.
[spoiler="you know i always joked that it would be scary as hell to run into DMX in a dark ally, but secretly when i say 'DMX' i really mean 'Tsukatu'." -kai]"... and when i say 'scary as hell' i really mean 'tight pink shirt'." -kai[/spoiler][/i]


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Postby scythe » 2009.01.31 (00:01)

Tsukaddox, I presume?
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Postby //Zander » 2009.01.31 (09:41)

Tsukatu wrote:...holy shit. Is that seriously what it takes to make a simple app like this? I was just curious to see your source, but I didn't expect that zip to contain so goddamned much metadata. Two directories, one with an overabundance of underscores, and both at least 8 directories deep.

I have a superior solution in your own goddamned OS (but that also works in mine), and it's only 20 bytes big.
Here it is:

Code: Select all

hide() { mv $1 .$1 }

The show command would obviously be the other way 'round.

Code: Select all

show() { mv .$1 $1 }
Put that shit in your ~/.${SHELL:t}rc and you're golden, asshole. You'll have bitches hanging off of you like Christmas ornaments begging you to show them how you hide and show your shit so efficiently.

Now go ahead and try it.

Code: Select all

$ touch foo
$ ls foo
$ hide foo
$ ls -a .foo
$ show foo
$ ls foo
Oh my fucking God, I just came.
Seriously what the FUck? all I did was opened automator made it run two terminal scripts, one to change the visibility, another to reload the finder...
I'm no coder, none of that made any sense. and a word of advice you sound like an arse...

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Postby smartalco » 2009.01.31 (19:06)

Code: Select all

cd [i]directory[/i]
ls -a
as often as I actually need to find a hidden folder, this works fine
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Postby scythe » 2009.01.31 (19:11)

//Zander wrote:
Tsukatu wrote:...holy shit. Is that seriously what it takes to make a simple app like this? I was just curious to see your source, but I didn't expect that zip to contain so goddamned much metadata. Two directories, one with an overabundance of underscores, and both at least 8 directories deep.

I have a superior solution in your own goddamned OS (but that also works in mine), and it's only 20 bytes big.
Here it is:

Code: Select all

hide() { mv $1 .$1 }

The show command would obviously be the other way 'round.

Code: Select all

show() { mv .$1 $1 }
Put that shit in your ~/.${SHELL:t}rc and you're golden, asshole. You'll have bitches hanging off of you like Christmas ornaments begging you to show them how you hide and show your shit so efficiently.

Now go ahead and try it.

Code: Select all

$ touch foo
$ ls foo
$ hide foo
$ ls -a .foo
$ show foo
$ ls foo
Oh my fucking God, I just came.
Seriously what the FUck? all I did was opened automator made it run two terminal scripts, one to change the visibility, another to reload the finder...
I'm no coder, none of that made any sense. and a word of advice you sound like an arse...
I highly suggest you rtfm, since you not knowing what he means implies that you don't know the first thing about bash. Suki's example is the proper method of hiding folders, yours is quite inefficient.

Also, giving advice to people who don't ask for it makes you sound like an arse.
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Postby jean-luc » 2009.02.01 (22:46)

scythe33 wrote:I highly suggest you rtfm, since you not knowing what he means implies that you don't know the first thing about bash. Suki's example is the proper method of hiding folders, yours is quite inefficient.

Also, giving advice to people who don't ask for it makes you sound like an arse.
Note that this issue is not about hiding and unhiding folders, it's about displaying or not displaying hidden folders. Suki's method is appropriate for actually changing the status of the folders, not for simply listing dotfiles along with everything else. For displaying hidden folders in a Finder window in OS X:

Code: Select all

defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
then relaunch Finder (Option+click it's dock icon, and select Relaunch)
This will cause Finder to display both dotfiles and system files that it normally hides (/usr, /etc, /lost+found, etc...)

Of course, if you were on Windows, it'd just be Organize > Folder and Search Options > View tab > select "Show Hidden Files and Folders" (Vista and later) or Edit > Folder Options > View tab > select "Show Hidden Files and Folders" (XP and earlier).

Or the following registry files (you can set these to keyboard shortcuts if you're geeky like me)


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

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